Presented by the European Commission in February 2020, the European Digital Single Market Strategy aims to make Europe a world leader in the data-driven economy. To this end, the new European legal framework under construction purports to facilitate access, sharing and responsible reuse of data in compliance with the Union’s values, including the protection of personal data.
While the Data Governance Act (DGA) will become enforceable in September 2023, creating the framework, processes and structures to facilitate data sharing, the Data Act (« DA »), still as a draft, is intended to establish harmonized rules on the ethical and responsible sharing and use of data.
On this ground, a series of European Data Spaces will be created, including the European Mobility Data Space.
Germany has taken some advance through the already well developed German Mobility Data Space (MDS), while France has set up the necessary national legal landscape to foster open data between actors of the French mobility sector.
During this workshop, we will have the pleasure to welcome experts from both countries, who will present the German and French existing legal backgrounds on open mobility data, the coming EU legal framework and share their on-the-field experiences.
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Program_webinar_Data_March 30
Thursday, March 30th 2023
From 9am to 10.30am
Free only on registration
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